Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why Adoption for Us

When we first married we both desired having children and raising a family. Unfortunately because of health reasons we are unable to do that on our own. We prayed to know what we should do. The answer that we received was to try adoption. We both knew that we would love any child that came into our home regardless of race, nationality, or sex. We are excited to share the love that we have for one another with a child and give him/her all the many blessings that we have had in our lives. As we've worked on getting ourselves ready to adopt we have grown immensely and have gained such a love for the birth mother's who choose to place their children for adoption. We know that it is not an easy decision but one that will change lives forever. We know that the child who will join our family is meant to be a part of our family. We may not ever know why we particular trials in this life or the 'bigger picture' but we do know that in the end it will be worth it and that it is part of our Heavenly Father's plan. We firmly believe that adoption is the correct path for us and are excited for the day when we can adopt a child.

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